This Will be Missed Oneday

     2019 adalah tahun pertamaku masuk menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar SLB Negeri Semarang. Tepatnya di bulan November. Begitu wisuda, inilah tempatku pertama kali bekerja hingga hari ini.

Sebenernya aku bukan yang pertama kali menjalankan UKGS disana, sudah 3 kali seniorku bergantian bekerja disana. Tapi mungkin aku yang terlama, karena terhitung hampir 4 tahun disini. Sungguh bukan waktu yang lama yaa. 


Since i was married 
I realized that my father is the best version of a father. Maybe in the entire world
Not because he's handsome
Not because he's rich
Not because he's the smartest
Because he cares
He has the pure heart
He undoubtedly helps my mother's job
He helps every single job patienly
Never get mad
Never get tired
Or even complaining
He did it with a sincere heart

When i was in senior high school
He always drove me everywhere
He never said "im tired. Go by yourself" Never

Until the day I married with my husband
Bapak hug me.. its lil weirdo. 
And he cried. I'm crying too. 
He said "Hati-hati yaa"
My heart hurt.

I love him
Ya Allah please take care of him for me
Ya Allah please dont bring him closer to the gate of Your hell
Please save him from the torment of Your grave
And take him to Your firdaus heaven


What we want in this life? 

Aku jadi teringat kalimat Ibu. 
"Yang mau dicari di dunia itu apa? Hidup pasti ada ujungnya kan mbak".
Tanya dirimu.. Apa kamu sedang mencari yang sempurnya? 
Atau berusaha keras sampai lupa diri untuk menjadi yang sempurna? 
Mungkin bagi sebagian orang, meraih kesempurnaan adalah salah satu indikasi kesuksesan, seperti puas rasanya. 
Tapi kalau sampai lupa diri. Dan jadi lupa arah. Jangan. 
Segeralah pulang.
Kalimat ibu sungguh membuatku terdiam. 

Ujung kehidupan. 
Siapa yang tau kapan masanya akan datang? 
Sudah siap kah?
Mestinya kita semua sepakat untuk jawab tidak siap. 

Ya Allah.. 


Kadang rasa sedih 
Rasa sesak di hati
Berasal dari kalimat yg diucapkan orang terdekat kita
Membekas. Iya. 
Merasa lemah karna terlalu sensitif hanya karna kalimat2 tidak sengaja itu
Tidak mengapa sedih
Katanya manusia yang baik itu jika disakiti kalau ia merasa tidak bisa membalasny, maka lebih baik diam. 
Lebih baik lagi ikhlaskan. 
Lebih baik lagi maafkan. 


untitled (apa ya judulnya?)

When i first saw you 
You were wearing scout uniform
It was camp day
When you took me by surprise
We talked not too much

Then i texted you
And it didn't turn alright
Suddenly we're close by just one night 
Just one night after the movie
Since that day, I felt something new

Well anyways..
It would be the start of something we remember till the end

Yes its you
You're the one I keep on calling every friday night
And i realized i had this feeling I never felt before
The kind of energy
I really think i need

One plus one is meant to be
Cause two is made up of you and me
We can't believe this day has finally come
We went to the roller coaster ride and we almost finished it side by side
We had a fun ride
Glad we survive
Ready for round two

And someday
On that very special friday morning
We're ready to looked on love begin to guide us through the melodies and rhythms of our life. 
The kind of energy
We really think we need

aamiin 😊